Monday, June 26, 2017


A concert of music by NACUSA Los Angeles chapter composers will bepresented on Saturday afternoon 2:00 PM, September 23, 2017 at theTustin Presbyterian Church in downtown Tustin, California.  The theme of the concert is “Contemporary Music for Contemporary Issues.”

If you have a piece (or can write a piece) loosely relating to contemporary “issues” please send a description including the name of the piece, its instrumentation and its duration to Richard Derby at by July 14th, 2017.  Details about the concert, including the pieces selected for the program, will follow at a later

All composers must be members in good standing with NACUSA/LA.
Those who submitted for the earlier aborted concert at the Art Museum are invited to be on the program. Theme is “CONTEMPORARY MUSIC ON CONTEMPORARY ISSUES”

-          For this concert, composers will be asked to play or sing
their own works or to bring their own performers and instruments.

-          The venue does have a good piano that we can use.

-          There is parking in back of the church and on nearby streets.


The Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association of Composers is pleased to invite Los Angeles composers to participate in a Gala Recital for Piano  or Piano+1 on Sunday afternoon, July 30, 2016. After our success there a year ago, we are looking forward to returning to Hollywood Piano in Burbank.

Works of any style with durations up to 10 minutes are welcome.

NACUSA-LA Concerts are offered FREE of Charge to the Los Angeles Community.

Composers are invited to perform their own music, or furnish performers.  NACUSA-LA will cover publicity and programs, but not performer fees for this program.

All Southern California composers who have joined or renewed their membership for 2016, by the submission deadline, June 28 at 10:00 PM are eligible.

All submissions are online and include score, audio (Mp3 ok) if available, duration, bio 150 words, program note (up to 150 words) and names of performers.   Please submit questions and materials (online only) to

Submission deadline by Wednesday, June 28, 10:00pm.